Exclusive accomodation | Island of Brač


The municipality Selca is located in the eastern part of the island of Brac, 36 kilometers from Supetar.
It is formed of three tourist villages: Selca (Puntinak), Sumartin and Povlja. Beside the rich cultural history and the attractive natural beauty Selca also offers 1 400 beds in private accommodation.

The first monument to dedicated to russian writer Lav Tolstoj in the world was established in 1911 in Selca. It is situated in the park Tolstoj.

brac, selca, puntinakAt the end of the 19th century lived in Selca the Slovakian writer Matej Bencur – known under the pseudonym Martin Kukucin, author of the roman, “Dom v strani” – wrote about the then events on the island Brac.

The famous poetical manifestation “Croatia rediviva” is organized every year in the first weekend after the local celebartion of Madonna of Karmel/ Gospa od Karmela (July 16th). There meet numerous poets from the whole Croatia.

Source: http://www.bracinfo.com/selca/